Importing goods requires all kinds of arrangements. Transportation, customs procedures, storage and transshipment, payments. To ensure your goods are delivered on time, the entire process needs to be flawless. We will handle it all for you, taking everything off your hands. Moreover, we will manage expectations accurately.
Constant real-time insights,
flexible solutions
If you are buying goods from China, for example, we will contact the manufacturer, book shipping containers, make sure everything is paid for, monitor the proper transshipment of your containers and keep a close eye on the schedule at all times. Thanks to our international presence, we are in close contact with the planners and drivers. That’s especially important in the event of delays at sea, for instance. We respond quickly and can inform you of the source of a problem right away. Our portal also gives us continuous real-time insight into your shipment’s status. Once the goods are unloaded, we will be on the spot to make sure your goods are on the road as quickly as possible. Because we maintain our own fleet, we can respond flexibly if urgent transportation is required.
We can guide you through customs procedures
Customs play an important role in the forwarding process. We are happy to offer guidance. We know exactly which data to submit, what codes to apply and which requirements to take into account. All we need you to do is to tell us what you’re importing. We do the rest. We make sure the clearance, approval and payment of duties proceed as smoothly as possible. Then we plan an unloading date and transport the goods to your warehouse. You are assured of the greatest possible ease and certainty, all the way from the factory to your warehouse.